Monday, February 25, 2019

Spices, Ingredients and Flavors

India have a grand treasure about the history of the spices, other ingredients and cuisines of food. There is wide variety available in India in terms of ingredients and natural spices such as black pepper, cloves, green cardamom, cinnamon sticks etcetera. This ample variety plays a significant role in dynamic cuisines of India. Indian food is made by putting whole palette of flavors. Basically, there are 25 to 30 spices being commonly found in almost every dish of India. Every spice has its own specific role and taste in the food with their particular benefits to the human body.

Due to the multidimensional country, the food in India is sub divided into parts with reference to the regions like North-Indian cuisines, South-Indian cuisines, West-Indian cuisines and East-Indian cuisines. In Northern India the spices and flavors are tending to be less spicy as comparative to the Southern India. Vegetarian food is preferred by large number of Northern Indian whereas Southern people like to have non-vegetarian dishes. In Eastern India, people eat mostly steamed and fried food such as vegetable filled wontons, a clear soup and many other. Sweets are called as the king of the food markets of East India. The people of West India are vegetarian on large number with Hindu religion and carries most diverse food styles of the country. Ingredients like sugar, nuts, vinegar and coconut are very common to find there.

The culture is also responsible for the variations in the spices, ingredients and cuisines in the regions of India and could turn one meal into the meal of another region with little differences only. It is due the heavy influence of religions, cultural practices and the history of India. 


Little India, (2018, March 7).The difference between North Indian and South Indian cuisine. Retrieved from:

Sara Gauchat, (n.d.). An Introduction to Indian Cuisine. Retrieved from:

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